Data Analytics

Advanced Data Analytics to help boost your performance.


MetricVista’s Data Analytics – Transform your data into INSIGHTS that help you understand your strengths, so you are provided with information about current progress along with progress path towards your target. Now you take decisions to improve your performance.


Helpful Insights

We will collect only relevant data from you, transform your data into meaningful & actionable insights that are easy to understand.

We analyse your data;

visualise your metrics;

provide you valuable insights.


Realise Enablers

Colourful & Meaningful visualisation, that help you understand data better & help you find solutions quicker.

Visualisations help you measure and monitor your current progress and also display the parameters required to achieve your target.


Maximise Efficiency

So now you are well informed; you realise your potential; you take better decisions upfront.

Impressive insights that provide answers to difficult business questions, your actions based on visualisation will maximise your performance & efficiency.

Data Analytics is core to improving your business performance.


MetricVista generates impressive insights from your valuable data

Insights are colourful visualisations, brought together in a meaningful way, presented as a dashboard.

Easy to understand, thought provoking and customised to your exact need.

Here’s some questions your might have about your progress.

Did you have questions like these …


… What does it take to accelerate my product development and delivery ?

… How much will it take if additional resources are provided ?


… Can the progress and roadmap be seen in a single place ?

MetricVista integrates data from non-core functions with core functions to produce advanced graphics.

Dont Worry, you just don’t need to spend any time to download or install or setup or configure any new application to get this done.

We will analyse and present the insights for you while you focus on your product.


Visualisation is very important to provide the right set of information to your stakeholder in a concise manner.

MetricVista provides your key performance metrics in a single dashboard.

Every visualisation (say Graph or Chart or Report) is a combination of several related key data points, aggregated from multiple data sources.

MetricVista customises to your specific need and delivers solutions on high priority, those that matters most. All your key metrics will be analysed for you and presented in a single-page dashboard. Important charts will also provide predictions. At the current rate of progress, you will see when your projects will end. You can see the variance from your targeted end data.

Sensitivity Analysis can highlight your key business decisions. and project data for you

Advanced visualisations in a single view, just for you, in the right format, contains lots of information, to take appropriate decisions quicker.

Take a look at the below example.


Well researched, deeply analysed and inference derived; presented to you: Intuitive Visualizations.

MetricVista-Visualisation-Cost Savings-Explaination

We are happy to provide you sample reports and will demonstrate this with your own data. Contact us for a free discussion




MetricVista – Helpful Insights, Realise Enablers, Maximise Efficiency

Solutions provided by MetricVista has amazing benefits as well.

Solutions are customised to your needs. We will understand your requirements and will provide your key metrics in a single-page dashboard. Very easy to understand visualisations. Benefits are plenty for you.

Full View Roadmap.

Visualise your Project Roadmap in terms of your planned, current and projected progress. Beneficial for you to understand the variance from planned target.

Beneficial for you to understand the variance from planned target.

: Sensitivity Analysis

Visualise your difficult business questions/decisions in a easy to understand format. Sensitivity Analysis benefits you to add/remove resources and also improve your team’s performance and much more.

Sensitivity Analysis benefits you to add/remove resources and also improve your team’s performance and much more.

One Page Dashboard

Visualization customised to your specific needs, made available in a One-Page Dashboard.

Benefits you to view various business /project /team related metrics in a single page.

: Potential Savings

Know your Cost Savings and Time Savings in absolute value visually in the same view along side your Roadmap or Sensitivity analysis.

Benefits you from looking at multiple charts and helps you from doing tough calculations.

: Profit Margin

Fully beneficial to see improvements in Profit Margin in the same view where tough business questions are answered. Benefits in taking actions well ahead in time to achieve better results.

Benefits in taking actions well ahead in time to achieve better results.

This is just a small section/instance of our solutions. Talk to us  and we will explain in detail on solutions to improve your performance and be successful.

As we increase our capability, we provide solutions to these Industry Sectors. 

MetricVista-Retail Analytics


  • Product Development – Iterative
  • Human Resources

Let’s meet together for a coffee. We will explain the different possibilities that could benefit you.

About Us

MetricVista – Helpful Insights, Realise Enablers, Maximise Efficiency

MetricVista is a data analytics company.  

We help you boost your performance.

We analyse the data for your while you continue to build your products.

We provide easy to understand dashboards in a just 1 or 2 page. Every visualisation we provide is a combination of related reports all put in one. The concise dashboard will provide information on planned progress, current progress and future projections as well. Advanced analysis will give you sufficient information to decide and act immediately.

Our clients benefit in growth and profit

MetricVista helps to >> Visualize Progress >> Take Informed Actions >> Achieve Expected Results

MetricVista displays >> Planned Roadmap >> Actual Progress >> Future Projections.




While we are setting our dedicated office, we continue to do analysis and visualisations and dashboards.

It’s always nice to discuss in-person. Do get in touch to know more about us.